HCIA WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

Huawei Certified ICT Associate

Sobre o Curso

Este curso prepara o participante para os desafios encontrados na implementação, operação e manutenção de redes WLAN de alta performance  em  pequeno e médio portes.

Redes sem fio capazes de suportar serviços de voz, segurança, storage, cloud, entre outros. Durante este curso, o participante aprenderá a instalar e configurar redes com AP´s (Access Points) em formatos isolado (FAT) ou associados a controladoras (FIT).

Modelos de rádios, perfis de segurança e usuários configurados na controladora são outros assuntos que compõem  este treinamento. Complementa este treinamento, a força da solução de Wlan da Huawei, já validada por muitos anos de experiência em todos os tipos de enlaces de rádio operados pela linha Carrier desta gigante chinesa de tecnologia.

Conteúdo Programático

WLAN Historical Overview
Introduction to wireless networks
What is WLAN
WLAN development
WLAN applications

WLAN Standards Bodies
State Radio Regulation of China

WLAN RF Principles Introduction
WLAN RF basics
WLAN RF principles
WLAN RF characteristics

WLAN Frequency Bands
Frequency and channel introduction
2.4GHz bands
5GHz bands
Other technology

Huawei WLAN Product Introduction
Huawei WLAN equipment solution introduction
Huawei WLAN equipment application
Huawei WLAN equipment power supply mode introduction

VRP Introduction and Basic Configuration
Introduce the Huawei VRP
Configuring basic AC attributes
AC and AP software upgrade

The basic operation of the AC
Use hype terminal to connect equipment
Modify the Device Name
Configuring the console user interface
Configuring the VTY user interface
Checking the configuration
Reboot the device

WLAN Topologies Introduction
Basic elements of IEEE 802.11
WLAN topologies introduction

802.11 Protocol Introduction
802.11a/b/g protocol introduction
802.11n protocol introduction

802.11 Physical Layer Technology
802.11 physical layer basics
802.11 physical layer technology Introduction

CAPWAP Fundamentals
AP technology introduction
CAPWAP tunnel introduction

WLAN Networking Introduction
WLAN Network Mode
Forward mode introduction
The application of VLAN in WLAN

WLAN Network Configuration
WLAN configuration roadmap

WLAN Layer 2 Network Configuration
Configure AC and AP to be Connected
Configure global parameters on the AC
Configure the APs go online
Configure WLAN-ESS interfaces
Configure radio-profile, security-profile, traffic-profile and service-set
Configure data forward-mode
Configure VAPs and deliver configuration to the APs

Huawei WLAN Product Features Introduction
The basic characteristics of Huawei WLAN product
The key characteristics of Huawei WLAN product

WLAN Roaming
Roaming concept introduction
Roaming basic principle Introduction
Roaming application scenarios

WLAN Security Introduction
WLAN Security threat introduction
WIDS/WIPS introduction
AAA introduction

WLAN Access Security and Configuration Introduction
WLAN authentication technology
WLAN encryption technology
WLAN access security policy

WLAN Access Security Configure
Configure AC6605 access security
Configure a RADIUS server template
Configure WPA authentication
Configure WPA2 authentication
Configure different Encryption

02.11 MAC Layer Introduction
802.11 frames
Data frames
Control frames
Management frames

802.11 Media Access Control
802.11 media access control Mechanism
WLAN media access process

Huawei WLAN QoS Introduction
QoS and Service Model
WMM-profile introduction
Traffic-profile introduction

Antenna concept introduction
Antenna basics
Antenna parameters introduction
Other device introduction

WLAN Layer 3 Network Configuration
Configure data forward-mode
Configure AC and AP to be connected
VLAN planning and allocate in Network
Make the APs gone online
Configure WLAN-ESS interfaces
Configure Radio, security-profile, traffic-profile and service-set
Configure VAPs and deliver configuration to the APs

WLAN Basic Network Planning Introduction
The basic flow of WLAN planning
WLAN signal interference introduction
Huawei load balancing technology

WLAN Planning Scheme and Typical Cases Introduction
WLAN typical application scenario
WLAN planning flow
Indoor AP typical cases
Indoor distributed AP typical cases
Outdoor AP typical cases

Huawei WLAN Planner
Huawei WLAN planner basic function
Plan Huawei WLAN

eSight Function and Wizard Configuration Introduction
eSight introduction
Configure WLAN business by wizard

Manual configure WLAN business use eSight
Configure basic parameters on the AC
Configure AP online
Configure AP profile
Configure radio profile
Configure ESS profile
Configure AP regions

eSight WLAN Maintenance
Manage and maintain WLAN
Operation demonstration

WLAN Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting methods introduction
Common diagnostic commands and Tools Introduction
WLAN common troubleshooting



  • Familiaridade com sistemas operacionais de PC.
  • Conhecimentos básicos de tecnologia de comunicações e redes.
  • Certificação HCIA (R&S) ou conhecimentos equivalentes.

Público Alvo

Público Alvo

  • Profissionais técnicos, engenheiros de redes, universitários de tecnologia,que pretendam ingressar na carreira de redes sem fio, ou apenas adquirir conhecimentos para implementação e suporte de redes WLAN de pequeno e médio porte em ambientes corporativos.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária

  • Presencial
  • 40 horas



  • Semanal: 5 dias (seg a sex) das 9hs às 18hs.

Nossas Turmas

  • 10/03
    das 19:00 às 23:00
  • Curso Online
  • R$
    R$ 3.360,00

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