- Certificação HCIA CLOUD ou conhecimentos equivalentes.
- Conhecimentos básicos de segurança de redes de dados e virtualização.
- Conhecimentos básicos de servidores.
- Noções básicos de storage.
Huawei Certified ICT Professional
Este curso prepara o participante para os desafios encontrados na configuração, operação e manutenção de nuvens (clouds) de pequeno e médio portes.
O treinamento abrange os conteúdos da certificação HCIP-CLOUD tais como conceitos gerais de cloud computing, e a capacidade de participar no desenho de nuvens de pequeno e médio porte, assim como na implementação destes desenhos utilizando dispositivos de computação em nuvem da Huawei.
Cloud operating system overview
What’s cloud computing operating system
Architecture of cloud operating system
Huawei cloud computing operating system
Cloud datacenter resources architecture
Cloud datacenter architecture
Interconnections of cloud datacenter
Cloud datacenter resources architecture
FusionSphere Openstack system overview
FusionSphere OpenStack overview
FusionSphere OpenStack architecture
FusionSphere OpenStack componet introduction
FusionSphere OpenStack operation and configuration
FusionSphere Openstack CPS functions
FusionSphere Openstack CPS configuration
FusionSphere OpenStack OM functions
FusionSphere OpenStack OM operations
ManageOne ServiceCenter introduction
ServiceCenter overview
ServiceCenterfunctions and features
ServiceCenter installing and configuring
ManageOne ServiceCenter service provision and management
Organization management
VDC service provision and management
Cloud host provision and management
Cloud storage provision and management
Network services provision and management
ManageOne ServiceCenter introduction
OperationCenter overview
OperationCenter features
OperationCenter installing and management
Datacenter operation management
Datacenter operation overview
Datacenter operation methods
Datacenter operation tools
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